Surabhi cow

Surabhi came to live at the Ahimsa Goshala in October 2015. She was 6 months old at the time. Her owner was a specialty breeder in Calgary who has a license for importing and breeding Indian cows. His business caters to the cow slaughter industry but he sells cows to private individuals as well. Surabhi was the first Gir cow in his program. She was nervous for her first few months in Saranagati, she wasn't sure if she could trust humans. In time she became absolutely people friendly and will patiently stand in a very regal posture when we offer her worship and pray for her blessings.
Varuni cow

Varuni is a gir cow who is friendly. She is sometimes pushy looking for affection. She had a wild beginning of life, but settled down @ Ahimsa Goshala.
Revati cow

Revati is a peaceful and kind gir cow who loves neck rubs
Mohini cow

Mohini is Surabhi cow's daughter, born in August of 2022. She is very friendly and curious.
When she was young, she liked to run and kick
Ilavati cow
Ilavati came to us when she was already two years old. She didn't trust humans at all. We're not sure what had happened to her but her tail is half missing and she has a large rip in her ear where a plastic branding tag used to be. These injuries are fully healed but the short tail makes it hard for her to brush away the flies during the summer months. Ilavati loves to be brushed, but only by someone she knows. She is larger than Laxmi and Gauri and is the self proclaimed leader of the mini-zebus. She is the mother of Dharma Mani. She has a very long and graceful face.
Laksmi cow

Laxmi has all of the classical features of a miniature zebu cow, very short with a rich dark brown color. She is the mother of our ox Ramananda. She is still very protective of him even though he is now bigger than she is. Laxmi has never learned to trust humans and will run in circles around the cow pen if she thinks we are coming to her to adjust her halter or some similar frightening act. Despite her deep fears, if someone comes to her with gur she will come up and eat out your hand, and then quickly retreat to a safe distance.
Dharma Mani ox

Dharma Mani is the first calf of Ilavati. He was born in Saranagati Village in June 2016. During Dharma's first training sessions learning how to pull a tire tied to a rope, he would lay on the ground and play dead rather than cooperate with his trainer. We called it the "Dharma flop". He is extremely friendly and has turned into a very hard working ox.
Ramananda Raya ox

Ramananda Raya figured out very early in his training that if he remained just a half step behind Dharma when they were pulling a cart as a team, Dharma would get all of the weight and Ram could avoid straining himself.